Līdzīgi noteikti ir atklāt otra cilvēka dvēseli. Tas nozīmē ar otra ci翻訳 - Līdzīgi noteikti ir atklāt otra cilvēka dvēseli. Tas nozīmē ar otra ci英語言う方法

Līdzīgi noteikti ir atklāt otra cil

Līdzīgi noteikti ir atklāt otra cilvēka dvēseli. Tas nozīmē ar otra cilvēka atļauju ieskatīties vienam otrā gan acīs, gan arī dziļāk dvēselē, ieraugot vēl kaut ko pavisam jaunu un iepriekš nezināmu. Tas nozīmē spert soļus it kā vienam otrā un vēlēties uzzināt ko vēl un vēl. Savukārt, pa jaunās, tiko atklātās dvēseles istabas logu paraudzīties uz pasauli. Tas nozīmē- skatoties uz pasauli caur otra cilvēka piedzīvojumu, mēs iegūstam jaunu pieredzi ne tikai par to otru, bet arī paši par sevi un pasauli kopumā. Tas nozīmē, ka mēs atklājam pasauli pilnīgi no jauna, tā cauri lūkojoties (skatoties) viens otrā, bet arī redzot viens caur otru.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Similar to the other is certainly reveal the human soul. This means to the other person's permission to look at each other in both eyes and the deeper soul, seeing something brand new and previously unknown. This means to take steps as each other, and want to know more and more. In turn, through the new, so the open soul room window looking at the world. This means looking at the world through another person's adventure, we obtain new experience not only each other, but also about themselves and the world at large. This means that we discover the world from scratch, it's through looking (looking) one another, and also seeing the one through the other.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Similarly definitely discover the other person's soul. This means the other person's permission to look to each other for both the eyes and the soul more deeply when they see yet something entirely new and previously unknown. This means taking steps as if one second and want to know more and more. In contrast, by the new soul has just open room window to look at the world. That means, looking at the world through the other person's adventure, we get a new experience, not only for each other, but also for themselves and the world as a whole. This means that we discover the world from scratch, it is through looking (watching) one another, but also to see one through the other.
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